winter waiting ufos by C.M. Keehl

C.M. Keehl

winter waiting UFOS

i’m reading about black holes to stop my panic attack
you speak to me in linguistics i have yet to learn
agastopia & a side of eggs sunless out the window
my anxious dark matter makes 98% of my matter
everything is matter
so what really does
i often find myself thinking parallel life
some semblance of alright
there’s always time for arbitrary reasoning
yes space cadet yes static yes control
you do not exist
when you are not existing
i text you that it’s good weather for alien abduction
by which i mean i’m sad
saturday is spent watching experiments
this subatomic world
you accuse me un-needing other people
& i confess maybe i don’t need anyone
maybe i’m just finding way to pass the time

C.M. Keehl’s poems appear in / are forthcoming in Cosmonauts Avenue, Reality Beach, Unbroken, Alien Mouth & elsewhere. She is the poetry editor at Dirty Chai. She lives in Grand Rapids with her dog. Find her at: @CMKeehl //